Стендова доповідь №7
МОДЕРАТОРИ : проф. Сичев Олег Сергійович, д.м.н. Іркін Олег Ігорович, д.м.н. Міщенко Лариса Анатоліївна
ДОПОВІДАЧ: I. Vyshnevska, TYE. Storozhenko, M. Kopytsya
How from 90 patients are obtained two groups of 49 and 50 patients and what for the following groups (16 and 36). Is this a repeat coronary angiography?
The final study group was 90 patients, we tried to find the influence and correlation between no-reflow phenomenon and biomarker MIF (macrophage migration inhibitory factor). First of all we found that 41 patients had MBG 0-1 and 49 MBG 2-3. Then we analyzed ST-segment resolution (STR). The result was: only 16 patients from 41 had MBG 0-1 and STR < 70%, which characterized for no-reflow, and only 36 patients from 49 had prefect reperfusion with MBG 2-3 and STR>70%. Then we compared groups of patients with no-reflow and good reperfusion. Unfortunately, we made a mistake in presentation with number of patients.
What therapy did patients receive before PCI?
Patients received opioids and antithrombotic drugs, including fibrinolytics in rural areas with time to PCI more than 4-6 hours (but we excluded patients with facilitate PCI and included only primary PCI with bare-metal stent implantation), loading dose of statins, and life supportive therapy, oxygen, nitroglycerin e.c., if necessary.
І.Р. Вишневська, Т.Є. Стороженко, М.П. Копиця